
Web Publishing and Social Media Articles

Brand Building Strategy on Social Media

Be consistent across social media platform

Building a brand doesn't happen over night, it takes time and dedication. It takes several years to most prominent brands like Coca Cola, Adidas, Nike, etc It happened because of focusing on maintaining Product Innovation, Product Quality, 360 degree delivery, Consistent across all products, advertising, customer service and packaging.

It is important to build a strong and consistent brand across all social media platforms. A brand's profile on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, your company blog and everywhere else its has a presence online should be unified and in line with the brand essence and style guide. Be consistent with graphics, color, style and language, and even posting routine.

Keep watching big brands how they manage there social presence.

Design a logo that displays the brand philosophy

A logo is the graphic symbol that represents a person, company or organization. When designing a logo, it's important point to consider is what the brand represents, and what the brand doesn't represent.

Logos are a critical aspect of business marketing. As the company's major graphical representation, a logo anchors a company's brand and becomes the single most visible manifestation of the company within the target market. For this reason, a well-designed logo is an essential part of any company's overall marketing strategy.

Use of colors and maintain color schemes

Color can be used to give a brand personality and meaning. Using colors with impact and meaning can help a brand appeal to its target audience. Be consistent with color across all media platforms - online and offline - to ensure a consistent, unified and professional look.

Talk like a human being

Now, that a brand’s personality has been identified, use that personality to build a brand people can trust. When it comes to social media, the method that has proved successful over time is to talk like a human being.

Ditch the corporate-speak and converse with users like a human being would. Respond to enquiries on a first name basis, and don’t be afraid to use colloquial dialogue and humor. Quirky? Witty? Serious? Talking like a human being with sense of personality will make a brand more relatable. And if it’s really clever, genuine and entertaining it may even go viral.

Check out this LinkedIn blog that uses a great analogy to test against a brand: Would you grab a bite with your blog? If the answer is ‘yes,’ chances are the audience will be more inclined to engage with a brand as if it were a trusted neighbor or a friend over lunch.

Quit plugging, start conversing

Along those same lines, really focus on building a relationship with customers by conversing, interacting, engaging and caring. Don’t solely plug products or services – broadcasting is dead. Genuine, two-way communication is key because at the end of the day, people need to inherently trust a brand and that takes time and effort.

Tell a compelling story

Who doesn't love a good story? Storytelling is central to human existence and, in fact, by telling someone a story it can have the powerful effect of getting them on board with a idea as it causes the listener to turn the story into their own idea and experience. In the same way a brand - or the idea of a brand - can become more compelling by spinning a yarn about it. Involve customers in a brand story and they will engage with it.

Post relevant content

Don't just post for the sake of posting. Keep social media posts relevant, meaningful and simple. Posting too frequently and posting unrelevent and boring content are the main reasons people will unfollow and unlike brands.

Make visual post (Video / Images)

Users engage with social media posts that include videos and images more than with posts that don't include images. Add infographics, photographs and other visual images to posts and take advantage of Pinterest and Tumblr, which can be used to store and share visual content.

Create a content calendar and post frequently

if you want to derive good results from your media marketing strategy and build long-term relationships with your audience, then you've got to post regular updates. In other words, social media marketing depends on consistently engaging content. To stay on course, create a content calendar and make frequent postings a priority of your media strategy.

Here’s a simple schedule that you can follow at the beginning:

Facebook: A couple of updates per day

Twitter: Three times per day (if you've got the resources, then you can even send 5+ tweets everyday)

Instagram: Once per day

LinkedIn: Once per weekday

Don't Waste Your Bio/Profile

Far too many brands make the mistake of letting their bio or profile section go to waste on social media. When you’re in the process of building your brand, letting people know who you are and what your company does is vital. Don’t fill your profile up with random hashtags or motivational quotes. Treat your bio like an elevator pitch. If you had to describe what your business does in one or two sentences at the most, what would it be?

Promote Your Profiles

One challenge that a lot of businesses have with social media branding is building initial traction. Getting your first few followers can seem impossible when you don’t even know where to start. However, if you’ve been in business for a while or have other Web properties (website, blog or other social media accounts) then you should start there. Unless you tell your current customers, friends and family that you have a Snapchat or Periscope account, how will they know?

This might seem like an obvious tip, but many businesses take a passive approach to social media branding and wait for the results to happen. It simply doesn’t work that way. Promote your social media profiles whenever and wherever possible. Print it on your flyers and brochures, link to them from your website and cross-promote on your other social media channels. Get the word out.


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