Learn JavaScript for Web Development

JavaScript is most versatile languages to code applications for the browser, desktop, phone or tablet. Write program for client browser or web server. Build interactive web site with JavaScript.

JavaScript - Break And Continue

JavaScript functions are used to perform operations. We can call JavaScript function many times to reuse the code.

Advantage of JavaScript function

There are mainly two advantages of JavaScript functions.

  1. Code reusability: We can call a function several times so it save coding.
  2. Less coding: It makes our program compact. We don’t need to write many lines of code each time to perform a common task.

JavaScript Function Syntax

The syntax of declaring function is given below.

function functionName([arg1, arg2, ...argN]){
//code to be executed

JavaScript Functions can have 0 or more arguments.

JavaScript Function Example

Let’s see the simple example of function in JavaScript that does not has arguments.

See this example:

function msg(){
alert("hello! this is message");
<input type="button" onclick="msg()" value="call function"/>


JavaScript Function Arguments

We can call function by passing arguments. Let’s see the example of function that has one argument.

See this example:

function getcube(number){
<input type="button" value="click" onclick="getcube(4)"/> </form>


Function with Return Value

We can call function that returns a value and use it in our program. Let’s see the example of function that returns value.

See this example:

function getInfo(){
return "hello javatpoint! How r u?";
